Here at Meisterplan, 2024 was one for the books. It’s hard to choose our favorite release from the past year. So, we’ve picked out three of our most exciting new features that will make sure Meisterplan is the heart of your mid- and long-term resource planning processes.
1. The Portfolio Dashboard:
The Portfolio Manager’s Best Friend
(And Not-So-Secret Weapon)
2024 saw the official release of the Portfolio Dashboard: the newest view in Meisterplan. This easily customizable control center lets you visualize the most important metrics in your system in an impactful way. Choose whatever you need: from simple KPI cards to classics like Column and Bar Charts, to visually appealing Doughnut Charts, all the way through to multi-faceted Bubble Charts.

Or, configure a list of your Portfolio’s upcoming milestones to have a clear touchpoint at your fingertips.
The Portfolio Dashboard makes analyzing your Meisterplan system visually appealing and clear. Choose the values and charts that mean the most to you to keep pace with what is going on in your system. And you’ll be so proud of what you create, you’ll just have to share your dashboard with everyone.
2. Meisterplan Teams:
Manage Your Resources Regardless of Their Working Methods
Meisterplan now offers you a simple way to plan your resources regardless of whether they work as single entities or on teams. Assign your resources to their respective teams with the appropriate amount of capacity that should be allotted to their work there; Meisterplan calculates their availability based on their team capacity, as well as their absences and possible part-time contracts.
Planning your Teams in Meisterplan simplifies the entire process. You can see if/when people are overloaded, even if their capacity is divided between teams and individual allocations.
We’ve only recently released this capability and are constantly working on future improvements. Stay in touch to see what we have up our sleeves!
3. The Task Connector:
Keep All Teams Coordinated Like Never Before (Even Agile!)
Our Task Connector allows you to view insights between how your teams have estimated their effort in external tools, and high-level estimates right in Meisterplan. With this newest addition to ensure that your teams can work the way that they want, Meisterplan displays any discrepancies between the allocations in Meisterplan and the estimated effort in your teams’ external project management tools on a project-by-project basis.
The Task Connector lets you stay on top of all aspects of your plans—especially by showing you if there are deviations in capacity between what you and your teams have planned. This helps you avoid bottlenecks, readjust when needed, and ensure that you have enough budget when it really matters.
Just like Meisterplan Teams, the Task Connector is still continuously being updated. Check back soon to see our newest improvements!
We introduced a ton of new features like Project Types to help you more specifically capture what each of your projects needs. Or, Actual Time Worked in the Project Details so that your project managers can use the view as their one-stop-shop. We even released an in-app notification channel to ensure you and all of your colleagues are always on the same page. Check out our Help Center to see all of the releases from 2024!
Is there anything YOU would like to say?
Is there anything else we didn’t highlight here that has had a meaningful impact on your planning processes? Let us know in the feedback section below!
Or, is there anything you still want to see? Visit our public product roadmap and leave a comment. We’re always excited to hear from you.
Our goals for 2025
In the next year, we’ll work on perfecting your agile experience and improve your ability to connect Meisterplan to Jira seamlessly. We’ll also work to even better support companies that deliver customer or technical solutions and improve our existing Goals View, as well as expand the possibilities for planning on the program level.
We’re looking forward to helping you and your organizations achieve as much as possible in the coming year. Get in touch – we’ll help you master your mid- and long-term resource management.
Now, let’s rock 2025!
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