Meisterplan Events

Events and Webinars with Meisterplan

Find upcoming events and webinars, as well as webinar recordings.

Meisterplan and PMO Squad webinar
Label Live Webinar
Wednesday,  July 24, 2024 / 9-10 AM Pacific / 11-12 AM Central

PMO Peer-Led Discussion on Project Delivery​

The PMO Squad and Meisterplan are flipping the script on July 24th with a PMO peer-led discussion facilitated by Joe Pusz and Christoph Hirnle. 

This untraditional webinar will focus on the audience rather than on presenters, which will give PMO leaders the opportunity to talk through ideas, challenges, and solutions to their current project delivery headaches resulting in actionable solutions from those “who’ve been there before.”

Register now to save your spot for this exclusive session designed to bring PMO leaders together to solve current challenges, connect with industry thought leaders, and network. Limited spots available – so, save your spot today!

Meisterplan for the PMO webinar
Label Live Webinar
Thursday,  August 22, 2024 / 9-10 AM Pacific / 11-12 AM Central

Meisterplan for the PMO

Portfolio Management likely has different goals at each company. Most are tasked with transparency of who is working on what, and likely the priority of that work. Many more focus on reducing risks and maximizing the return on investments. A few even manage to impact organizational change from the Portfolio. Whatever your specific responsibilities are, learn how Meisterplan can support

  • connecting strategy/goals to work
  • prioritization
  • where to find portfolio risk
  • stakeholder communication.

Cost: Free

Who should join us?
Program Managers, Product Managers, Portfolio Coordinators, PMO & VMO, and Meisterplan Administrators.

Meisterplan Roadmap Webinar
Label Live Webinar
Tuesday,  September 10, 2024 / 9-10 AM Pacific / 11-12 AM Central / 6-7 PM CEST

Meisterplan Roadmap: The Latest and Greatest

Join us for an insightful webinar where we’ll showcase our most recent product enhancements and delve into how they can benefit your specific needs. You’ll also get the chance to engage directly with our PPM experts.​

​This time the focus will be on (board) meeting preparation and execution with Meisterplan. Whether you’re experienced or new to the topic, this session will provide you with tools and strategies to streamline your prep and improve decision-making.​​

And as always, we will also take a look at our Product Roadmap.​

​We are looking forward to your participation!​

Meisterplan Virtual Network

Meisterplan Virtual Network

Are you looking to improve a certain area of your business? Are you wanting to explore what others might be doing? Consider joining a Meisterplan Virtual Network.

Virtual Networks bring together a small group of people interested in a similar topic. A Virtual Network meets monthly with the same group. The goal is to learn from others, try out new improvement ideas, and share what works to your network.

Fill out the form to express your interest and be on our waiting list. Meisterplan will then reach out when a similar group is ready to start meeting.

On Demand Webinars

Image of Sinikka Waugh
Label On Demand Webinar
June 2024

Influence Up: A Quick Reference Guide to Bust Barriers and Get Stuff Done

We don’t have time to do things twice or repeat ourselves. How do we get that through when projects are at risk? How do we get the attention of those who have moved on to other priorities, when we need more resources? How do we include all of (but only) the right people? How do we engage all of the relevant people?

Influencing up is an art and a bit of science. There are tools and techniques that help us. This quick-hit, action-packed webinar will give you a set of:

  • critical success factors for influencing up in any organization
  • 3 techniques to help you focus your own skill growth where you need it most
  • practical, easy-to-apply tips to help you improve your stakeholder interactions to influence up right now.
Meisterplan Roadmap Webinar
Label On Demand Webinar
April 2024

Meisterplan Roadmap: The Latest and Greatest​

New features, possible use cases, and a look at our product roadmap. Watch our PPM experts Karoline and Debbie discuss the latest developments related to Meisterplan.

The focus of this webinar is Project Monitoring in Meisterplan with an Emphasis on Actuals.​

Label On Demand Webinar
March 2024

Unlocking Listening Intelligence: Boosting Leadership and Team Synergy

Listening intelligence is the core of business agility, customer service, and leadership. Without it, communication is ineffective, causing confusion and multiple meetings on the same topic.

Whether you are a manager coaching your team, or you participate in business meetings, this webinar will share practical tips on how to overcome communication challenges.

Dori Gilbert, a Certified Practitioner in ECHO Listening Intelligence, shared her knowledge on this topic, which you can now watch in this on demand webinar.

Who should watch? PMO leaders, Project Managers, Resource Managers, team members, actually anyone who participates in meetings.

Label On Demand Webinar
February 2024

Meisterplan for the Project Manager

As a project manager, there are a lot of responsibilities and activities needed to be successful with project delivery.
Join us in this webinar to learn the key features that support keeping project information up to date, simplifying communication as well as tips on how to monitor signs of trouble.

Who should watch this webinar?
Program Managers, Project Managers, the PMO, and Meisterplan Administrators.

Product Roadmap Webinar with Achim Gnan and Karoline Holicky
Label On Demand Webinar
December 2023

Meisterplan Roadmap: The Latest and Greatest 

​In our December 2023 webinar, we explored strategies and best practices for effectively managing users and permissions in the Meisterplan application, ensuring a secure and efficient experience for both administrators and users. ​

​As always, we also reviewed recent releases and took a look at our Product Roadmap.

Label On Demand Webinar
November 2023

Meisterplan for the Resource Manager

Are you maximizing your team’s productivity and readiness for new projects? Whether you’re an experienced resource manager or a project supervisor aspiring for greater efficiency, our exclusive webinar is designed just for you!

Who should watch this webinar?
Resource Managers, Supervisors, Team Leads, or any managers of people who work on projects. Don’t miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge to not just achieve, but exceed your team management goals.

Meisterplan Roadmap Webinar
Label On Demand Webinar
September 2023

Meisterplan Roadmap – The Latest and Greatest Q3 2023

In our Q3 webinar, we took a closer look at how you can map your financial budget planning in Meisterplan and enable cost controlling at the project level. As always, we also reviewed our recent releases and gave a preview of features on our Product Roadmap.​

Webinar: Meisterplan Roadmap
Label On Demand Webinar
May 2023

Meisterplan Roadmap – The Latest and Greatest Q2 2023

In our Q2 webinar, you will learn how to easily connect MP with your tool ecosystem, for example, to enable automatic notifications and workflows between tools. We will also share the latest updates to our product roadmap with you.

Webinar: Meisterplan Roadmap
Label On Demand Webinar
February 2023

Meisterplan Roadmap – The Latest and Greatest Q1 2023

Whether it’s the latest features, exciting use cases or the roadmap of highly anticipated releases, be sure you are in the know with this Meisterplan webinar for customers.

Outgrow spreadsheet-based PPM with Meisterplan
Label On Demand Webinar

Outgrow Excel: Take the Next Step in Resource Management and PPM Maturity

Are you struggling to scale your spreadsheet-based PPM processes to the demands of your portfolio? Is it difficult to align the capacity of your teams far in advance with your Excel resourcing plan? 

In this webinar, join our experts to learn why PPM spreadsheet solutions are great for new PMOs looking to get started quickly, but can create pain-points with long-term project portfolio management and resource planning. You will leave this webinar with the information you need to evolve away from Excel and improve visibility and reduce complexity within your project portfolio. 

Brainstorming new project ideas with Meisterplan's Board View
Label On Demand Webinar

Implementing a Successful Project Intake Process: How to Collect New Project Ideas and Turn Them into Successful Projects

Does your team have a lot of great project ideas, but you’re not quite sure how to best manage those ideas or even how to turn them into successful projects? Collecting and developing new project initiatives can be a difficult mountain to climb, but it doesn’t have to be. Join our experts in our latest webinar where they will be discussing the current challenges organizations face around project intake and the best ways to streamline how project initiatives are pushed through the pipeline.

Meisterplan Agile Portfolio
Label On Demand Webinar

Gain Transparency to Make Better Decisions and Move Your Company Forward

In this webinar, we go in-depth into our product and show very practical ways to ensure your business can make the best decisions and keep moving forward. We show you how you can use Meisterplan to gain transparency into what work is being done, prioritize projects, use what-if scenarios, and optimize capacity planning.

Meisterplan Webinar
Label On Demand Webinar

3 Ways to Build Resiliency for Today…and Tomorrow

One thing the pandemic has taught us is that being adaptable in the face of uncertainty separates top-performing businesses from others. Successful leaders build resiliency into how they make decisions, guide portfolio planning, and reliably deliver value. Not sure where to start in evaluating current portfolio initiatives? Concerned about how you and your team are going to succeed with the amount of change and uncertainty? What should you be focused on right now to ensure you’re building resiliency? Join us as we discuss what every PMO and business leader should be thinking about and implementing today.

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