Project portfolio management (PPM) is concerned with the strategic management of a collection of projects to achieve business objectives. In this context, projects are of central importance as they are the building blocks that make up the entire portfolio. Here are some key roles that projects play in the PPM context:
Strategic direction
Projects are selected and prioritized to ensure they contribute to achieving the company’s strategic goals. PPM helps identify the right projects that will deliver maximum benefit and value.
Resource allocation
In PPM, resources (such as personnel, budget and time) are distributed optimally across projects. This ensures that the available resources are used efficiently and that no overloads or bottlenecks arise.
Risk management
PPM provides a holistic view of risks and their impact on the entire project portfolio. A coordinated risk management strategy makes sure that risks can be better identified and mitigated.
Performance monitoring
In PPM, the progress and performance of each project is continuously monitored. This allows problems to be identified early and corrective measures to be initiated in a timely manner.
Optimization and balance
PPM ensures a balanced portfolio by encouraging balance between short and long-term projects, different risk levels and different business objectives. This promotes a sustainable and robust project landscape.
Synergy effects
When you manage projects as part of a portfolio, you can more easily identify and exploit synergies. This can lead to cost savings and efficiency gains by leveraging shared resources and technologies.
Overall, PPM helps you to stop looking at projects in isolation, but place them in a larger, strategic context. This enables companies to better manage their projects, achieve their goals more effectively and maximize the overall value of their project portfolio.