It’s all about people!
Businesses exist for delivering a specific business result, but they consist of us, humans. We have common motivations when we join or found a business organization: safe/high income, nice/interesting colleagues, opportunities to build something meaningful and large. That’s why we work with others to achieve joint goals and do our best. At the same time, we have different knowledge, experiences, skills, and interests, and the systems we are working in were set up with a specific mission in mind.
Think of your businesses as a large number of individual human systems connected to other systems. Each system has a mission. Certainly, in your organization, there are systems that help you monitor your operations, develop software, hire talent, collect money, develop strategies, and manage performance.
There is no need to establish one universal system to rule them all. What you want is that each system delivers on its mission – guided by the 3 A’s.
Now, as long as the systems are in sync, this works perfectly fine. And the key lies in the 3 A’s of Business Agility.