How To Lead by Example

5 Ways to Lead by Example

4 min read

Inspiring and motivating your team leads to success. Today, most managers concentrate on supporting and building their team in such a way that they can have full trust that the team will get the job done. But how do you provide the right kind of support for your team that allows for that full confidence? Leading by example is an excellent way to motivate your team. The following are 5 ways to lead by example.

1. Get to know, trust, and appreciate your team.

To help your project team reach their full potential, you first have to get to know your team. When you know their strengths and what motivates them, it is easier for you to match them with the right tasks to successfully accomplish the project. When you have matched your team members with their tasks based on their skills, then you can have full confidence that they can successfully complete the project. You can then encourage your team to follow your example and get to know each other, learn how to communicate with each other and build trust in each other as well. Another important way to lead by example is to show appreciation by giving positive feedback regularly. A simple thank you can make a big difference and make your team feel recognized and appreciated. When your team feels that they are recognized, they will work even harder to excel in their jobs, which will benefit you, the team, and ultimately the company.

2. Choose the most important goals.

Lead by Showing Integrity

There are only so many tasks that a team can focus on effectively. In the book, The 4 Disciplines of Execution, Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling discuss the importance of and how to achieve “Your Wildly Important Goals.”   (Source: The 4 Disciplines of Execution) If you focus on what is most important for the specific timeframe, you will likely be much more successful than if you have multiple open-ended goals. Once you have identified your main goals, you can set the example by avoiding assigning any tasks to your team that are outside of those goals and by focusing your own tasks to help achieve the goal. Most companies have defined their main strategy for their business. Meisterplan can help you align your projects to your company’s strategy and ensure that you are focusing on what is most important.

3. Show integrity.

It makes sense that if you want your team to show integrity it is crucial for you to set the right example. If your team sees you cutting corners or not being completely honest, then they most likely will do the same. On the other hand, your team will look up to you if you fulfill your commitments. Show your team through your actions that honesty is crucial and the only acceptable way to run the business. If you are honest and treat your team respectfully, they will treat you and the rest of the team the same. Establish trust by fulfilling even small commitments such as showing up on time or early for a meeting that you’ve scheduled.

4. Don’t be too hands off.

In the past, we often heard the term micromanager, but now even that word holds a negative connotation. Today, most managers prefer to have more of a hands off approach. You definitely want to have trust in your team and allow them to do their jobs, but you also must offer support when they need it. Sometimes that means rolling up your sleeves and working with your team to get things accomplished. Recognizing each team member’s strengths will help them to do the same and encourage them to collaborate and help each other to resolve issues when they arise. Be willing to listen to your team when they have ideas and encourage them to listen to each other’s ideas. Doing so can teach you and your team new and possibly better ways to accomplish tasks.

5. Show excitement for the business.

Let your team know that you are excited about your company and what you do. Avoid criticizing your company or your superiors, your team will hear this and the negativity will rub off on them. Instead, let your team know about the successes of your company. When employees are excited about their company and feel that they have had a part in its success, they will be more productive and more likely to communicate that success to others.

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