Implementation without Integration
Start with a blank Meisterplan instance, enter all of your colleagues and yourself as resources and users, add a field “Project Link” (type URL) in the settings, and you’re done with the basic configuration. Connectors? No, we don’t need them.
Everything that lands in Meisterplan is the framework and status data on the topics. An example using Jira: I create the project “New 2018 UI.” The start date is the beginning of the first sprint and the end date is the expected release date according to the product owner. The product owner is the project manager. The status is “In progress” and the notes have two sentences regarding the current status.
All that is missing is the “connection” to Jira: The product owner has put together a release in Jira, which contains all issues for the new 2018 UI. I can address this directly via a link, and I enter this exact link in Meisterplan in the field “Project Link.”
That’s it. Now I have this setup for all projects that are in conception and development. In addition to a Jira release link, Epic links or Confluence links were also included in the project, depending on where the project plan was edited.
Even for non-developers who use other tools, this worked out wonderfully. No matter if it was Trello, a PowerPoint in Office365, or a project in our CRM system CAS genesisWorld, there was always an online link that we could use. It was just as easy in Meisterplan because there were only a few fields that need to be maintained: the start date, end date, status, project manager, project link, and, if necessary, the notes and milestones. After two days, I had all the subjects built in Meisterplan.