When Reliability Matters

Always deliver customer solutions on time by realistically planning your expert capacity with Meisterplan.

Proven across Industries

Meisterplan Customer Ambit
Meisterplan Customer Azteka Consulting
Meisterplan Customer Base Life Science
Meisterplan Customer Dovetail
Meisterplan customer E-gineering
Meisterplan Customer Ergosign
Meisterplan Customer FHG
Meisterplan Customer Gambit
Meisterplan Customer Geiger
Meisterplan Customer GKS
Meisterplan Customer Logo GMS Development
Meisterplan Customer Logo Ineos
Meisterplan Customer Jenoptik
Meisterplan Customer Köster GmbH
Meisterplan Customer Land Services SA
Meisterplan Customer Linak
Meisterplan Customer Milliman
Meisterplan Customer Pledoc
Meisterplan Customer Excelitas
Meisterplan Customer Skan
Meisterplan Customer Sovanta
Meisterplan Customer Territory
Meisterplan Customer Topcon Positioning Systems

Resolve Your Challenges
and Make Reliable Commitments

Poor resource planning causes employees to be overloaded, unproductive and dissatisfied with their jobs. Lack of resource availability is the #1 reason projects fail to be completed on time. Meisterplan helps you fully resolve these challenges by focusing on the right perspective at the right time. 

Customer Project Delivery Order Scheduling
Order Scheduling 

Know in advance whether and when you are realistically able to take on a new project

Customer Project Delivery Staffing And Handling Changes
Staffing and Handling Changes

Staff the right people and easily handle conflicts and changes to the plan

Customer Project Delivery Long Term Capacity Management
Long-Term Capacity Management

Build or hire the right skills based on a solid plan for the required roles

Order Scheduling

Don’t Bite Off More than You Can Chew

Deliver reliably by creating a plan that you actually have the capacity for.

  • Use preliminary data to plan for the coming months and quarters
  • Simulate different “what-if?” scenarios and see their impact in real time
  • Get a feel for dependencies and financials across the entire portfolio

A Simple Overview of What’s to Come

Try our easy to understand Kanban-style pipeline visualization.

  • Avoid getting lost in the details of operational planning too early
  • Quickly access different views of your pipeline
  • Automatically import sales opportunities from your CRM

Staffing and Handling Changes

Staff with Confidence

Meisterplan gives you the overview you need to make solid decisions on who to commit to which project.

  • Leverage the Team Planner view for a simple overview that’s not too granular
  • Collaborate with project managers who need more capacity to help find their best match
  • Consider all other factors including billing rates and personal absences

Easily Handle Changes to the Plan

Feel at home with a user interface built just for resource management.

  • Maintain data in a way that’s easier than a spreadsheet ever could be
  • Notify stakeholders and team members on projects changes and make sure you stay notified, too
  • Collect feedback from team members on whether their data is accurate

Long-Term Capacity Management

Hire Based on Demonstrated Need

Analyze trending skill needs across the organization, and find the right long-term solution.

  • Leverage our pivot reports for custom resource analyses on the spot
  • Simulate different business and capacity scenarios
  • Use Meisterplan's Portfolio Dashboard or connect to your BI solution through our connectors for further resource analytics.

Resource Administration

Resource Pool

All Relevant HR Data in One Spot

Import relevant personnel data from your HR system – or maintain it directly in Meisterplan.

  • Quickly capture meta data such as the department and working time model
  • Flexibly maintain skills information
  • Transparently include absences

Everyone Benefits

Your battery is almost empty.